Author: scottydigital

  • Put On The Gloves Event Details

    “Put on the gloves” In partnership with B.O.I. Marketing & Promotions LLC, Fashion BS, Svelte LLC, and Tedd Davis Events, welcome you to PUT ON THE GLOVES a fundraising event benefiting the Trevor Project and Capital Queer Prom. Are you ready to put on the gloves for a good cause? This event is a fundraiser dedicated to the freedom of our LGBT youth to express themselves through fashion and the Fundamental “coming of age” American tradition – PROM. Now more than ever our youth need our support. We hope you will join us in empowering our LGBT youth to “take on bullies one prom at a time.”

    About Put on the Gloves
    With the startling news of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth being harassed and taking their lives, we immediately knew that we wanted to do something. We wanted to make a difference. As a well-known institution, the Capital Queer Prom asked “What can we do to help?” That’s when we decided to produce a fashion show featuring the latest in prom attire, while giving back to our LGBT youth community. Put on the Gloves is committed to giving back to our youth. For our inaugural year, we are proud to have The Trevor Project as this year’s beneficiary. It is our goal to annually select an organization that makes a positive impact in our community, especially for our future leaders, and provide support and visibility towards the hard work.

    About the Trevor Project
    The Trevor Project is determined to end suicide among LGBTQ youth by providing life-saving and life-affirming resources including our nationwide, 24/7 crisis intervention lifeline, digital community and advocacy/educational programs that create a safe, supportive and positive environment for everyone. Today, in addition to operating the crisis and suicide prevention lifeline, The Trevor Project provides online support to young people through the organization’s Web site, as well as lifesaving guidance and vital resources for educators and parents.

    About the Capital Queer Prom
    The Capital Queer Prom is a formal gala that gives hundreds of adult queer men and women an opportunity to celebrate the prom they should have had years ago, and relive those high school years. Since its debut, the Capital Queer Prom has given nearly 1,400 LGBT adults (ages 21 – 80) an opportunity to enjoy the special magic of a second-chance prom. Not only does this second-chance prom benefit hundreds of prom guests, but each year the prom benefits a local non-profit organization. For our 5th Anniversary we are happy to have the Youth Pride Alliance as this year’s beneficiary. The prom has been featured in such publications as Metro Weekly, MSNBC, USA Today, The Washington Blade, and The Washington Post.

  • MuuMuse: Mya Prepares to Conquer Japan and America with Two New Dance Singles: “Fabulous Life” and “Love Is The Answer”

    By Bradley Stern

    Much like every other act this side of the ’10′s, Mya’s gone and shed her R&B roots in favor of a good ol’ synth machine to assist in her dance-inspired return to the music scene–perhaps inspired by her recent stint on the ninth season of Dancing With The Stars. Well…that, or she’s gone and listened to Pop radio for, like, fifteen minutes to see what the kids are listening to these days.

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  • News: New Song: Mya, ‘Fabulous Life’

    by Chris Ryan
    MTV Buzzworthy Blog

    Seems to be a minor trend going on these days of female R&B singers embracing elements of dance and electronic music in their sound. Not that this a particularly new phenomenon–from the disco days of Diana Ross to the electro-funk of Missy Elliott, the two genres have always mixed well. But there seems to be a real uptick in the stylistic cross-pollination these days. We’ve seen Kelly Rowland‘s recent foray into house music, Amerie‘s new techno sound, and now, Mya, embracing an ’80s freestyle/electro-pop sound with her new single, “Fabulous Life.”

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  • E!Online Exclusive: First Listen ‘Love Is The Answer’ (Feb. 8th Worldwide Release!)

    by Marc Malkin and Brett Malec

    Former Dancing With the Stars runner-up Mya is back to doing what she does best: making music!

    The Grammy winner recently teamed up with DJ Cedric Gervais for her new, high-energy dance single, “Love Is the Answer.”

    But just because she’s back in the studio doesn’t mean her dancing days are over…

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