Mya’s December 6-Day Vegan Reset Challenge

Dec vegan reset challenge version ii 3




Join me December 1st through 6th for my monthly 6 Day Vegan Reset Challenge!
My free Expanded Vegan Starter Guide is available in the lifestyle section of or copy & paste to your browser. Details on the challenge below. 👇🏾

How to take the challenge.

1. 💭 Choose which challenge works best for you based on where you currently are in your diet & lifestyle. The options are Vegan, Raw Vegan, Alkaline Vegan or Juicing. My starter guide explains the difference between each. You are free to combine all options in your challenge. If you are taking a different challenge each day, then tag each challenge accordingly. The time you begin, December 1st is the time your challenge ends December 7th & choose the time.

2. 📸📱 Take photos of your daily meals and create a recap in collage or slide format for each day completed, then post to your Instagram account & be sure to mention & tag me @myaplanet9 so I can see what you’re up to. Use hashtags #mya #myaplanet9 #6dayreset along with the challenge of your choice #Vegan #RawVegan #AlkalineVegan or #Juicing. Be creative, have fun, good luck & remember progress not perfection. Info available on or in the lifestyle section

3. 🎁 P.S., I’m choosing 1 December winner to receive free Planet 9 merchandise, vegan wellness products, a tropical Fruits N Rootz box, a month of seamoss supply, cool kitchen appliances (juicers, Nutribullets, etc.), a complimentary bottle of my very own Organic Vegan Red Cabernet Planet 9 Fine Wine, along with a free virtual meet & greet with me.

Follow me on IG, Twitter & FB at @myaplanet9

#mya #planet9 #myaplanet9 #6dayreset #challenge #vlife #veganlife #healthiswealth #fountainofyouth #veganversary #progressnotperfection #December #2020 #challenge