Every year. Mya engages her followers to participate in her Vegan, Raw Vegan, Alkaline Vegan or Juicing Challenges. The number of days per month has varied. In the past she has conducted 3 day, 6 day, 7 day, 14 day, 21 day & 28 day challenges. If you’d like to participate but don’t know how to get started, check out Mya’s free Vegan Starter Guide available for download above. She has also included Dr. Sebi’s electric, alkaline food list in the lifestyle section below as well. Winners’ prizes have ranged from Planet 9 merchandise including clothing, personal & autographed CD’s, vinyl, calendars, Mya’s vegan, organic, red Cabernet with plum infusions Planet 9 Fine Wine, cool kitchen appliances, gadgets, books, water ionizers, $1000 in cash, and an all expense paid international retreat with Mya. Please submit your information to mya@myamya.com (Name, age, date of birth, gender, current area of residence, email address, mailing address and social media pages). Stay tuned on Mya’s instagram & the Lifestyle section of this website for the announcement on the next set of challenges.